Data Analytics continues to be a growing field. If you already know how to navigate Microsoft Excel, this is a great opportunity to learn a new skill in Microsoft Power BI and do hands on data analytics projects that you can show to employers.
During our Data Boss Workshops you have the opportunity to work on one of our DIY Data Projects under the guidance of experienced data analysts. ​​
During this two-hour workshop, you will be introduced to steps in the data analytics process including how to clean data and create data visualizations.​​
No current classes are scheduled. Check back soon or sign up for our mailing list in the footer to be notified when new classes are offered.
DIY Data Projects
Use the information below to create your own portfolio of data analytics projects to show future employers.
Here is how it works so PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:
1. Download Power BI to your computer. All project dashboards must be completed in Power BI. *Note - Power BI is not available for Mac desktops or laptops, however you can download Parallels as a work-a-round.
2. Watch this tutorial to learn how to create dashboards in Power BI.
3. Choose one of the data projects below.
4. Watch this quick tutorial on presenting a Power BI dashboard.
5. Start your projects and create your own dashboard to share with prospective employers.
Project 1 - Beginner Level

Topic: General Assembly Courses
Our goal is to promote and administer data education for underrepresented groups in the Metro Louisville area. We want to understand the background of participants who took General Assembly courses, so please answer the following questions to determine if we are progressing towards our goal.​
Which course was completed by the most participants? Which course was completed by the least number of participants?
Which race/ethnicity completed the most courses? Which race/ethnicity completed the least courses?
Which gender completed the most courses? Which gender completed the least courses?
Which combination of race/gender (I.e. Black female, Black male. etc.) completed the most courses? Which combination of race/gender (I.e. Black female, Black male. etc.) completed the least courses?
Which “highest level of education” completed the most courses? Which “highest level of education” completed the least courses?
Which zip codes completed the most courses? Which zip codes completed the least courses?
We want to understand as much as possible about the participants who withdrew from the courses. What can you tell us?
Project 2 - Beginner Level
Topic: Jefferson County Schools Free and Reduced Lunch
JCPS has a free/reduced lunch program where students are able to receive meals at school either at a reduced cost or for free. Use the JCPS data to determine if there is an increase or decrease between the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 of the number Black students who qualify for free/reduced lunch. Your findings should only include the ten elementary, middle, and high schools with the most Black students who qualify for free/reduced lunch.
One thing to note when starting the intermediate projects is that there is not much guidance provided as compared to the beginner projects. This is to reflect what typically happens on the job - you may be provided with less information so that you as the data analyst can ask the right questions and form the right hypotheses that will frame your visualizations. Use your own creativity in asking questions and forming hypotheses to guide you in creating dashboards that support answers to the following intermediate questions.
Project 3 - Intermediate Level

TOPIC: General Assembly Success
Which General Assembly courses were most successful? To begin, you will need to think about how you will define success. Choose two measures of success to determine how you will define success in efforts of answering the question:​
The most courses completed
The most courses completed by particular demographics
Engagement/Interest - how many people were interested in taking tech courses in the Louisville Metro area?
Something else you think is an important measure of success
Project 4 - Intermediate Level
TOPIC: General Assembly Participant Progression
What significant findings can we gather from the participants at each stage (start-point, midpoint, and end point) of the General Assembly courses?

Project 5 - Intermediate Level

TOPIC: JCPS Free/Reduced Lunch Overall
What is the current state of free and reduced lunch by race, for elementary, middle, and high schools?
Project 6 - Intermediate Level
TOPIC: JCPS Homeless Students
Based on student race, gender, and school location, what can be said about JCPS's homeless student population?